How to get secret key

You can enable ChatGPT in WebClient to always have your personal assistant at hand. The process starts with creating a paid account on OpenAI. This step is important to obtain a secret key that will be used further on.

Note: Use only a paid account with enough credits otherwise, ChatGPT may inform you that your current quota was exceeded, and your questions will stay without reply.

Creating OpenAI account

If you do not have an OpenAI account:

  1. Go to OpenAI platform and click .

  2. Enter your email and password. Fill in your details (name, surname, date of birth, phone number), and verify your email.

  3. Upgrade your account by adding payment details.

  4. Log in to your OpenAI account.

Getting Secret Key

To get a secret key:

  1. Log in to OpenAI platform.

  2. Go to Personal at the top right and click View API keys.

    Figure. Personal dropdown.

  3. In API keys view, click .

  4. Enter the name of the key and click Create secret key to confirm.

    Figure. API keys view.

  5. Click to copy your secret key . This is the only time you see the full secret key. If you want to share, store it in a file.

    Note: If you haven't copied the secret key and closed the window, create a new key.

    Figure. Copying secret key.

  6. Now you can enable ChatGPT in your WebClient (see How to enable).